The Churches of Puddletown, Tolpuddle and
Milborne St Andrew with Dewlish
Our Sunday service rota is below, with brief explanations about what to expect at each service.
Our service pattern is as follows:
1st Sunday each month
9.30 a.m. Parish Communion Tolpuddle
9.30 a.m. Celebrate . . . Milborne
11.00 a.m. Parish Communion Puddletown
11.00 a.m. BCP Morning Prayer Dewlish
2nd Sunday
9.30 a.m. Parish Communion Milborne
11.00 a.m. Puddletown Praise Puddletown
11.00 a.m. Parish Communion Dewlish
5.30 p.m. Sunday Reflections Tolpuddle
3rd Sunday
9.30 a.m. Parish Communion Topuddle
9.30 a.m. Worship in Stillness Milborne
11.00 a.m. Parish Communion Puddletown
11.00 a.m. Family Service Dewlish
4th Sunday
9.30 a.m. Parish Communion Milborne
10.00 a.m. Go Fourth Tolpuddle
11.00 a.m. BCP Matins Puddletown
11.00 a.m. Parish Communion Dewlish
5th Sunday
11.00 a.m. Benefice Service - see calendar for venue
Followed by a bring & share lunch
The service timetable above is the normal pattern on Sundays. However from time to time, such as at Christmas and Easter or when a baptism takes place, it is subject to change. Please view the calendar for the coming week's services.
Parish Communion - this is a service of Holy Communion, using the modern language Common Worship order of the Church of England. Holy Communion is a service where we remember the Last Supper of Jesus and share bread and wine as he commanded us to do in remembrance of him. Members of all churches are welcome to join with us in receiving bread and wine, as are children who have been admitted to communion or confirmed.
Family Communion - a slightly shortened service of Holy Communion, using modern language. When there is a baptism, we use this form.
Family Service/Puddletown Praise/Celebrate . . ./Go Fourth - these services are aimed at all ages. They are less formal and more relaxed than communion services and include activities appropriate for everyone.
BCP Morning Prayer/Matins - a traditional language service, which does not include sharing bread and wine. A service marked (said) has no music; others have sung canticles, responses and hymns.
Benefice Service - when there is a 5th Sunday in the month, the congregations from the four churches gather together for a communion service. These move from church to church and are sometimes held in other venues such as on a farm.