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Sunday 4th June

As last year, the Archbishop of Canterbury and others are encouraging churches to focus particularly on prayer in the week running up to Pentecost (Whitsun). The main theme is Thy Kingdom Come, and The Lord’s Prayer will play a central part in the week’s activities and events.


On Sunday 4th June, the benefice will be joining together for a


Pentecost Pilgrimage.


Instead of our usual services, we are encouraging those who can to join us in walking round the benefice.


Each walk will begin with a short act of worship (max. 15 minutes) as follows:

9 a.m. Puddletown                    (approx.. 6½ miles)

10.15 a.m. Tolpuddle                 (approx. 3½miles)

10.15 a.m. Milborne St Andrew   (approx. 4 miles)          


At 12.30 p.m., there will be an informal holy communion at Dewlish, followed by a picnic lunch (bring your own).


The hope is that as many as are able will join the walks – bring your friends, this is not just for regular churchgoers.


If you’re not able to walk with us, we would love everybody to commit the act of worship in their own churches as the walkers set off, and then rejoin us in Dewlish at 12.30 p.m. for communion and lunch.


All being well those who join us in cars at Dewlish will have enough spare seats to ferry walkers back to their own villages after lunch.



Please look out for posters and flyers nearer the time.

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