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Introducing Lent


Lent is a time when Christians intentionally make room in busy lives to draw nearer to God. It’s a period for preparing hearts and minds for the great festival of Easter. Lent can be a time to clear away the clutter from our lives through reflection and prayer, and to reassess our priorities. God offers us renewal and refreshment, healing and restoration.

Christ and the Chocolaterie:

A Lent Course based on Chocolat


Mondays 7.30 p.m.* Church Room, Puddletown

starting 19th February


When Vianne arrives into a sleepy, old-fashioned French village and opens a chocolate shop, she sends the townspeople into a flutter with her uniquely gifted treats. Before long the straitlaced villagers find themselves abandoning their reservations and succumbing to their deepest desires.


Hilary Brand’s popular Lent course on the film has been revised and reissued this year. It uses the film as a starting-point for exploring issues about God, the world and what it is to be human.


Week 1                   Chocolat — Watching the film (121 minutes)*

Week 2                   Giving up: the prelude to change

Week 3                   Giving out: the power of a gift

Week 4                   Getting wise: the possibility of change

Week 5                   Getting real: the power of acceptance

Week 6                    Growing up: the process of change

*with the exception of Week 1, each session will end by 9 p.m.


Suggested Reading

Watch and Pray: Wisdom and hope for Lent and life


For each day of Lent, the Watch and Pray booklet offers a Bible verse, a short reflection, an idea for 'watching', and a prayer. Watch and Pray invites us all to wait expectantly for God to meet us and sustain us through the storms and trials we all face. On the night he was betrayed, Jesus kneels in darkness in the Garden of Gethsemane. Though he pleads with his disciples, “Stay here with me … Watch and pray,” they all fall asleep, leaving him alone in his hour of deepest suffering. This Lent we are encouraged to draw on the wisdom of Black Spirituality, particularly the practice of “tarrying” (waiting) as a community to draw closer to Jesus and to each other. It invites us to seek God in both familiar and unfamiliar places this Lent: in darkness and in quiet; in movement and migration; in the healing and transforming work of the Spirit; in the weeping of Holy Week and in the joy of Easter morning.

(available from and; £2.50 plus p&p)

Ash Wednesday

14th February

6.00 p.m. Milborne St Andrew Church

A service of Holy Communion  with the Imposition of Ashes

Morning, Evening Prayer and Compline in Lent


Morning Prayer takes place each day on Zoom.

Mon-Thurs. 8.30 a.m.; Sat. 9.00 a.m.

Compline 6.00 p.m. Wednesdays

Milborne Church (starting 21st February)

Evening Prayer 6.30 p.m. Thursday evenings

Dewlish church (beginning 22nd February)

Holy Week and Easter

Please look at the monthly service posters or March Parish magazine for details of  Holy Week and Easter services.

Dewlish Lent Lunches — open to all

Tuesdays at 12.30 p.m.

Come and enjoy soup, bread and cheese in congenial surroundings, and support a charity with a donation at the same time.

20t February:         Parsonage Farm, Dewlish

5th March:              Up-Top, Dewlish

19th March:            Dewlish Village Hall

We would love to welcome you to any or all of the events offered in this leaflet. You do not have to be a regular churchgoer to attend. All that is needed is a willingness to explore what faith might mean for you, a commitment to listening to others’ ideas without judgment and a desire to learn.

For information about anything in this leaflet, please contact the

Vicar, Sarah Hillman, on 01305 848784;

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